To receive full credit, these blog assignments must be posted by Sunday night, January 24 at midnight. If you post late, please email me your post directly at as soon as you are able, and I'll give you partial credit.
1) Read parts 1 & 2 of the book FEED. We will discuss your initial ideas, reactions and questions in class. You will blog your analysis of the book with provided prompts the following week.
2) Media Memoir: Blog a 5 paragraph reflection (a paragraph has a minimum of 5 sentences) on your childhood experience with media. How did your family use media when you were growing up? Focus on one or two mediums, i.e. television, radio, books, music, computer, newspapers, etc. This is a reflective piece, written in the first person, and is intimate, descriptive, and detailed.
3) Read and respond to the New York Times article, "The Children of Cyberspace: Old Fogies by Their 20s". What stood out for you? How do you relate the piece to your own life? How does this affect your vision of education or society? (5 sentences minimum)
4) Watch and respond to the Michael Wesch YT video, "The Machine is Us/ing Us" What stood out for you? How do you relate the piece to your own life? How does this affect your vision of education or society? (5 sentences minimum)
5) And don't forget to introduce yourself at our first "welcome/who are you?" blog post!