Tuesday, January 26, 2010
To receive full credit, this blog assignment must be posted by Monday night, February 1st at midnight. If you post late, please email me your post directly at sdebross@uvm.edu as soon as you are able, and I'll give you partial credit.
Please read Clive Thompson's September 5, 2008 New York Times article "Brave New World of Digital Intimacy," and then, at this thread below, answer the following questions:
1. IYOW, identify the thesis of Thompson's article, in one sentence.
2. What does Thompson mean by the phrase "ambient awareness?" Explain, and provide 1 example from your own life.
3. Describe TWO observations Thompson makes with which you agree, and TWO observations Thompson makes with which you disagree. Be clear and specific.
To receive full credit, this blog assignment must be posted by Monday night, February 1st at midnight. If you post late, please email me your post directly at sdebross@uvm.edu as soon as you are able, and I'll give you partial credit.
At this course blog thread below, please reflect on all five FEED questions in a SINGLE "post comment" thread. Be specific, descriptive, and detailed, and try not to repeat the ideas already provided by other student colleagues.
1. FEED Characters - Please provide the name of ONE of the main characters in the story, and 5 descriptive adjectives about that character.
2. FEED Vernacular - Please provide THREE "slang" terms used in FEED, and brief IYOW definitions for each. (Example: "brag" = cool, hot, super nifty, boss, really keen.)
3. FEED LIKE Our World - Please make a list of THREE specific different ways the FEED world looks like our own 21st century culture.
4. FEED UNLIKE Our World - Please make a list of THREE specific different ways the FEED world looks UNlike our own 21st century culture.
5. FEED Themes - Please make a list of THREE big media-related themes FEED's author, M.T. Anderson, highlights in his book.
Have at it, units! :)