To receive full credit, these blog assignments must be posted by SUNDAY night, April 4th at midnight. If you post late, please email me your post directly at as soon as you are able, and I'll give you partial credit.
1. Toxic Sludge is Good For You!

Please read chapter 8 & chapter 9 (hard copy handed out in class) and share FIVE KEY OBSERVATIONS (concepts, personal stories, research) you learned about the PR industry in EACH chapter, and one question you have after finishing EACH chapter of the reading. (Be sure your questions begin with these three words on your blog post - "My question is...")
2. Public Service Announcements
PSA GROUP BLOG POST #1: List the names of your team members (exchange email and phone contact information offline), and post your CONCEPT in 2-3 sentences on each of your personal blogs. Start thinking about what roles - producer, director, back-up/support crew, researcher, digital editor - each of you will adopt/share for the project. REMINDER: Be flexible and communicate with each other!