Tuesday, February 23, 2010
To receive full credit, these blog assignments must be posted by SUNDAY night, February 28th at midnight. If you post late, please email me your post directly at sdebross@uvm.edu as soon as you are able, and I'll give you partial credit.
1. Please read Tom Hodgkinson's article on Facebook entitled, "With Friends Like These" and answer the following questions:

a. IYOW, identify the thesis of Hodgkinson's article, in one sentence.
b. Describe TWO observations the author makes about Facebook with which you agree, and TWO observations he makes about Facebook with which you disagree. Be clear and specific.
2. In preparation for our Toys R Us field trip, please read Rob Williams' article entitled, "The Making of a Media Literate Mind" and blog your reflections. What stood out for you? Is there anything you learned from the article that you didn't know before?

3. Please screen the Media Education Film, Still Killing Us Softly 3, and blog your reactions, listing 5 specific ideas/concepts/observations. How did the film make you feel? What persuasive techniques does Kilbourne use in presenting her research?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
To receive full credit, these blog assignments must be posted by SUNDAY night, February 21st at midnight. If you post late, please email me your post directly at sdebross@uvm.edu as soon as you are able, and I'll give you partial credit. Please post your reflections to the course blog and copy to your personal blog.
1. Ad Nauseam: Parts 5 & 6

Please share three things (concepts, observations, themes) you learned after reading parts 5 & 6 of Ad Nauseam, and one question you have after finishing each section of the reading. (Be sure your questions begin with these three words on your blog post - "My question is..." )
2. Please read Steven Johnson's TIME magazine article, "How Twitter Will Change The Way We Live" (Summer 2009), and answer the questions below.
a. IYOW, identify the thesis of Johnson's article, in one sentence.
b. Describe TWO observations Johnson makes about Twitter with which you agree, and TWO observations Johnson makes about Twitter with which you disagree. Be clear and specific.
c. PERSONAL QUESTION: Are you using Twitter for personal or professional use? Why or why not? Please describe your relationship to Twitter right now.
3. Finish watching the PBS Frontline documentary, The Merchants of Cool, and list FIVE of the most important things you learned about the symbiotic relationship between the media and teens. Be specific and personal, and be prepared to share these in class.

4. I mentioned in class that I set up all your blogs on Google Reader so that whenever any of you posts something new, it comes to my reader. Here's a short and fun video explaining the power of RSS (Real Simple Syndication). Make information come to you! We'll talk more about this next class...
Monday, February 15, 2010
Phineas Gage
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
To receive full credit, these blog assignments must be posted by SUNDAY night, February 14th at midnight (Happy Valentine's Day!) If you post late, please email me your post directly at sdebross@uvm.edu as soon as you are able, and I'll give you partial credit.
1. Ad Nauseam: Parts 3 & 4

In what specific ways can you connect the reading to what we have read, screened, and/or discussed in this course? What observations do you make between these sections of Ad Nauseam and PBS's The Persuaders film or Cascio's Get Smarter article? Be clear and specific in your examples. Select at least one idea or concept from each section of the reading.

Please read Jamais Cascio's summer 2009 "Get Smarter" article in The Atlantic, and then answer the following questions:
a. IYOW, identify the thesis of Cascio's article, in one sentence.
b. Describe TWO observations Cascio makes about Web 2.0 with which you agree, and TWO observations Cascio makes about Web 2.0 with which you disagree. Be clear and specific.
3. The Persuaders

Please watch the PBS Frontline documentary The Persuaders, and list FIVE of the most important things you learned about THE PERSUASION INDUSTRY. Be specific and personal, and be prepared to share these in class.
Environmental Art Projects
Monday, February 8, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

To receive full credit, this blog assignment must be posted by Monday night, February 8th at midnight. If you post late, please email me your post directly at sdebross@uvm.edu as soon as you are able, and I'll give you partial credit.
Ad Nauseam: Foreword, Preface, Parts 1 & 2
In what specific ways can you connect the reading to what you have experienced thus far in this course? What observations do you make between McLaren & Torchinsky's work to what you discovered in FEED, Thompson's Brave New World article, or either of the films we have screened, Consuming Kids and/or the Ad & the Ego? Be clear and specific in your reasoning. Select at least one idea or concept from each section of the reading.
Environmental Art Project
This is a 3-dimensional interpretive creation using such mediums as wire, clay, found objects, wood, metal, mixed media, etc. These can be representational or abstract and should illustrate a telling incident, series of experiences, or emotion(s) connected to your personal views on media and the environment. (Have fun. No artistic talent needed, just a creative soul!)
[From last week: Pizza Palace and Kaiser Family Foundation study on children’s media use]

Illustration by Guy Billout
To receive full credit, this blog assignment must be posted by Monday night, February 8th at midnight. If you post late, please email me your post directly at sdebross@uvm.edu as soon as you are able, and I'll give you partial credit.Please read Nicholas Carr's summer 2008 article "Is Google Making Us Stupid?," and then, at this thread below, answer the following questions:
1. IYOW, identify the thesis of Carr's article, in one sentence.
2. Describe TWO observations Carr makes about Google with which you agree, and TWO observations Carr makes about Google with which you disagree. Be clear and specific.

To receive full credit, this blog assignment must be posted by Monday night, February 8th at midnight. If you post late, please email me your post directly at sdebross@uvm.edu as soon as you are able, and I'll give you partial credit.
In this first personal foray into the Web 2.0 world for this class, you will create your own PERSONAL blog!
Step #1: Go to Blogger.com and create a blog with a basic template of your choosing. (NOTE: Think carefully about your blog's title, as you'll be living with it for the rest of the semester).
Step #2: Re-post (copy and paste) your first week's personal introduction from our COURSE blog to your PERSONAL blog. Be sure to give your VERY FIRST blog post a catchy title! Can you figure out how to include a hyperlink, an embedded video, and/or a photo that somehow illustrates and enhances your written text? Go for it!
Step #3: Immediately e-mail to me your Blogger URL - please use this address: sdebrosse1@gmail.com. (NOTE: Your URL should have the word "blogspot" in the name - example: http://vermontyak.blogspot.com/.)
After our foray into the genre of documentary, here's a "Cross Country Snowboarding" mock-umentary for your viewing pleasure. Can you critique the ways in which this mock-umentary uses (abuses?!) the techniques & constructs of the documentary to entertain and educate? How is music, sound, editing, camera angles, interviews, narration all used to create the tongue-in-cheek authority of a documentary?