To receive full credit, this blog assignment must be posted by Monday night, February 8th at midnight. If you post late, please email me your post directly at sdebross@uvm.edu as soon as you are able, and I'll give you partial credit.
In this first personal foray into the Web 2.0 world for this class, you will create your own PERSONAL blog!
Step #1: Go to Blogger.com and create a blog with a basic template of your choosing. (NOTE: Think carefully about your blog's title, as you'll be living with it for the rest of the semester).
Step #2: Re-post (copy and paste) your first week's personal introduction from our COURSE blog to your PERSONAL blog. Be sure to give your VERY FIRST blog post a catchy title! Can you figure out how to include a hyperlink, an embedded video, and/or a photo that somehow illustrates and enhances your written text? Go for it!
Step #3: Immediately e-mail to me your Blogger URL - please use this address: sdebrosse1@gmail.com. (NOTE: Your URL should have the word "blogspot" in the name - example: http://vermontyak.blogspot.com/.)
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